Elisabeth winner Instachallenge January
Elisabeth, our talented staffmember from TONI&GUY Haarlem, is the winner of the staffcompetition Instachallenge for the month January!
Elisabeth’s work is really diverse; from braids to colours and hair ups. Besides that it’s always spot on and it represents the real TONI&GUY feeling. The photos show some of her beautiful work. Congratulations!
Instachallenge is a staffcompetition that runs three months; from 08-01 until 31-03. Staff can join the competition by uploading photos of their work on Instagram with the hashtag ‘instachallengetgnl’. The goal of the competition is to to stimulate creativity among the TONI&GUY staff in Holland. Besides one Instachallenge winner, a monthly winner will be chosen too. Get your newest haircut or haircolour photographed by your technician or stylists and you might find your photo back under #instachallengetgnl!
You can check all work of Elisabeth by clicking here.
TONI&GUY Haarlem
Anegang 44
2011 HS Haarlem
023 551 8619